Experian Social / Black Friday
Experian Social / TikTok
Experian Social / TikTok / Behind the Scene
I was working at The Cooler (Experian’s in-house agency) and started WFH back in March 2020 when the pandemic hit. We came up with a fun concept for a TikTok, but everything was shut down at the peak of the pandemic. Thanks to iPhones and free child labor, I ended up art directing, starting, filming, and editing with the help of my then 6 and 8-year-old nephews. Not to mention making my own colonial shoes. We had a blast filming this in their backyard.
PS. Keep watching until the end of the slideshow (not because I’m an aunt), but because you can see how quickly a 6-year-old could get tired from picking up Benjamins.😎

Experian Social / Cybersecurity Awareness Month
To promote Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we created a campaign highlighting “31 Things Identity Thieves Don’t Want You to Know,” which revealed tricks thieves use to steal your data.